Student: Maria Ivete
Teacher: Beatriz
School: Winners
Stage: Advanced
Passages 1 – Page 21 – Exercise 8
Porto Sguro is a place to relax and fun. It is located in Bahia. It is a wonderful city to visit, mainly in the summer. It's was the place where the Portugueses arrived in 1500. Porto Seguro has several historic monuments to see. One is House Chamber e Chain which built by Jesuits in XVII century, around of 1772. The churches are most visited monuments by tourists. They are old churches which keep sacred religious images. Porto Seguro is famous for its beautiful beaches. There are several beaches each one most beautiful than other. The beaches are nice for all because in north the city are located more movement beaches and in south are beaches more calm and exotic.
Porto Seguro has a agitated nighlife with a lot music and dance, mainly in "Passarela do Álcool", name tourist Avenida Portugal. In carnival the city seems catch on fire. Many bands play then. Other cool thing about Porto Seguro is its typical foods like Acarajé, muqueca, cuzcuz, vatapá, bobó. In generally the food is hot that in this case means spicy.
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