quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011

(I2 – Unit 9) Write a paragraph describing how your partner has changed. Make some predictions about the future. Don’t write your partner’s name.


Student: Enki
Teacher: Beatriz
School: Winners

The rapper Eminem, have your life marked because he is a white man and he is a rapper, he grow up in the suburb in Detroit, he are constantly attcked for other guy in the school, he start to write this rapper letters with 14 years old, and he had a   pseudonym   "M&M", he abandoned the school with 17 years and repeat the ninth grade twice.
Your seven album was lanced in 2010 and  he have a new single “Not afraid”, but the single who scored was “Love the way you lie”, this single have a first place in the music in 2010 and in 2011, and he have a partneship with Rihanna, and he have a daugther and her name is Hailie Jade Scott and she have a 15 years old, and he have a other 2 adopted childrens.
How do you know he had a big problems with the drugs and he need the medical support and monitoring, because the drugs no is good or easy, he just live away from drugs today, and he saty in tour in the Detroit and New York, and the shows with Jai_Z.

Student: Giovanna
Teacher: Beatriz
School: Winners

My name is Giovanna and I will talk about Paloma, I met her there two years ago and I didn't like her because I thought she was boring and cold, and we both did'nt speak at that time, because she was with her friends and I with my friends, I hated her so much,and she hated me, I thought she was manipulative. Over the next year was different.
Because our friends are gone. And she and I were only in English class, and then westarted to tell us that we aren't alone, I started liking her way, and their play and I found it quite funny enough and I regretted not  having spoken to her before, she is very friendly , intelligent, charismatic, and always help the peoples, and she is my best friend.
In the future, I hope she is very friendly, and it remains the case today, I think she'llaccomplish in your life and will change the history of this world with his charismaticway, I hope that she remains beautiful and we continue being friends, I hope thatPaloma is successful in his life and i love it so much today and always by the fact that she is the best person in the world!

Student: Paloma
Teacher: Beatriz
School: Winners

Before I did not like the Bianka, she seemed very engaged and dislike, when I went she was watching me and I did not like it, so I also was looking at her, she seemed very boring, I did not know it but this was the image she passed me, I was not sure if she was that person that I thought was.but we have to know people before judging.

Bianca and today I are friends, so I saw that it was totally different than I thought, I think the Bianka really cool,fun, happy, I get on well with her, I think also that I have to stop judging people before knowing I like her a lot,when it misses a class, really misses her, because today it is a very special person to me.

In the future I think she'll be a good person, I hope we can still be friends'cause I love the Bianka, I consider it agood friend and I think we have a great life for us to enjoy our friendship,''Paloma Bianka and Giovana''my greatfriends, really love these girls and wish them all the best for the future.

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